How to Make Halloween Masks for Kids

diy Halloween masks for kids

The spooky season is right around the corner. Whether your children are heading out or staying in, there are Halloween masks for everyone!

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What Are Some Good Halloween Masks for COVID-19?

As you’re most likely already wearing face masks this Halloween, you can take this as a chance for an easy DIY option. In fact, you can make one of the best Halloween masks around from the comfort of your own home. Whether you choose a superhero mask or an animal character for your child, we have a few ideas for full-face masks to celebrate the holiday.

How to Make Halloween Masks at Home?

It’s pretty easy to make your own DIY Halloween face masks but some parents aren’t huge fans of crafting. Our advice: just grab your kids and go for it without thinking too much. Your children will love the extra quality time and wear their masks with pride. However, keep in mind that it fits appropriately to the face, especially the eyes.

  • Superhero Mask – It’s easy to make your own Halloween mask to go along with the cape! Simply download the appropriate superhero mask template onto printer paper, cut it out, and trace onto felt sheets for assembly. Punch a hole into each side and glue an eyelet on each side. Add an elastic for a great mask! You could also draw a spiderweb on a cloth mask and in next to no time, Spider-Man can come to the rescue!
  • Star Wars Face Mask – You may be able to buy these online, but you can also make them at home. Consider using templates to draw your favorite characters on your kid’s cloth mask. Whether it’s R2D2 or a droid, this will make for a popular Halloween mask!
DIY halloween masks

DIY Animal Masks for Halloween

One of the easiest ideas for a kid’s Halloween costume is to let them dress as their favorite animal. Just choose clothes in the color of fur or feather, make a mask and your DIY Halloween costume is ready. Pros also add a tail but that’s not really necessary as everyone will recognize the costume by the mask.

  • Emperor Penguin Mask – Few creatures are as beloved as the Emperor penguins found in Antarctica. You can also download an online template for the mask. However, sew or glue some cut-out white fabric to black one for an outstanding baby Emperor penguin mask that will truly impress! If your kid wants to dress up as an adult animal, be sure to add a little yellow under the eyes for the typical look.
  • Woodland Creature – For the prettiest Halloween mask of all, try an online mask template for a bear, fox, or owl. You’ll need some felt, fabric, scissors, and elastic. Simply use your template to cut out the pieces of felt, then pin felt details onto your DIY mask. Sew using a needle and embroidery floss, then attach the elastic to fit your child’s head.
  • Kitty Face Mask – All you need is a bit of fabric and some permanent markers to make this simple Halloween mask for COVID-19! Instead of face paint, choose a black, white, brown, or orange fabric and draw whiskers, a nose, and a mouth. Your kid may even love wearing this after Halloween is over!
  • Unicorn Mask – Unicorns have been all the rage for a while, and that really hasn’t changed much! You can tap into this trend easily with a Halloween mask for kids. Purchase some white, pink, or purple cloth and either use design tips online or get creative. You’ll want a little glitter to make this mask really sing. However, don’t forget the horn!

Ideas for Easy and Unique Halloween Masks

  • Pumpkin Face Mask ­- If your child is going as a jack-o-lantern, a fabric mask can be the final touch. Simply choose an orange or black fabric and draw the mouth you would on a carving pumpkin. Sew or hand-stitch an elastic band to it and bind the mask with a blanket stitch.
  • Colorful Halloween Mask – If your child isn’t really into dressing up, a creative Halloween mask could do the trick. Cut out a plain mask prototype and let them color it in black, purple, and orange with permanent fabric markers. Add some sequins, glitter, or whatever you find in your crafts drawer to zap it up and create a unique Halloween mask.

Masks are a big part os the Halloween fun every year! Do you have any other DIY Halloween mask ideas? Share them with other parents in our comments! Whether you choose a mask that’s scary or sweet, there’s no reason Halloween can’t be both safe and fun this year.

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