Fun Games and Ideas to Strengthen Your Relationship

relationship games

Looking for fun ideas to better connect with your partner? Try out these relationship games on your next date night!

Valentines Day is fast approaching. Are you scratching your head trying to think of something fun to do with your partner? And what is there to do? So much is closed! On top of that, many of us have been home all day, every day with our partners. Many relationships feel a bit stretched and exhausted, and if an in-home Valentine’s Day celebration looks like your only option, you might not feel that excited.

However, since the whole world is well-aware that options are limited (to say the least), there are all kinds of activities and options available for couples that can come to you, through the mail or virtually. Here are some fun options that can make for a fun date night and bring about some different conversation topics with your other half.

Sweet and Simple Relationship Games

Not long ago, my husband and I went out for a date night. We’ve been married for almost ten years and have three kids, so it’s not unusual for our “together time” to mostly feel like a welcomed break. Sometimes finding things to talk about that aren’t work or kids related feels like a challenge. One evening, he suggested we play 20 questions. Simple question and answer, taking turns asking each other questions back and forth.

We now make this a regular habit in our time together. Whether we’re getting to enjoy a night out together or trying to have a date night in, asking each other random questions back and forth has been a way to keep the conversation fun, different, and more thoughtful. It’s also been a way to playfully bring up things in our relationship we want to address without the discussion becoming too heated. So benefits all around!

Questions Cards

Since asking each other fun questions was a routine we both enjoyed, I started doing some research on games that provided these questions. A stroll down any game section will prove that question games are growing in popularity. Still, there are great options specifically for couples if you’re growing tired of Cards Against Humanity.

Our first purchase on this path was “The Ultimate Game For Couples.” Since we already enjoyed questions, this gave new ideas and topics. We played it while we were out one evening, so we stuck to the questions options. And this game also allows for ‘challenge’ cards. Many of these were not appropriate for the public setting we were in, but if you and your partner like to make things a little sexy, there are a few good options here.

You can also play other variations, like challenges that cater to fitness enthusiasts or those you can play with other couples.

relationship games ideas

Subscription Boxes

You can get anything in a subscription box these days. Including your next date night! The most popular one out there is from Happily. Upon sign up, you’ll answer questions about your preferences and speak to the type of couple you are. They’ll ask questions about dietary restrictions or activity preferences to customize the experience. You can also decide how frequently you receive a date night in a box.

Dinner Theater at Home

For those who like a thrill, you can Hunt a Killer from the comfort of your own home. Whether you are a true crime enthusiast or just love a thrill, this is an option to break out of a stay-at-home rut. However, just as real-life detectives usually don’t solve their case in a day, neither will you. This is a bit of a commitment. There are full packs you can buy and complete at once, but you solve others throughout your entire subscription.

relationship games for couples

Get Competitive With Relationship Games

Maybe purchasing a new game may not be the road you want to follow. However, there are ways to play games you already have and make some new rules. Tape questions onto Jenga blocks or make a fun wager playing Catan. It’s just a fun way to break up the routine while having a fun night with your special person.

Usually, playing games with someone’s emotions isn’t healthy relationship advice. But in this case, it’s safe to make an exception. Find something fun to break up the routine and get to know your partner in a new way. You never know what you might find out!

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