How to Use Meditation and Prayer During The Holidays

Don’t get too overwhelmed by the holiday hustle and bustle! Studies show that starting your day with a little prayer and meditation can go a long way towards improving your health and well-being. Read more from Jess Horton of The Fit Petite!

Beat the Holiday Hustle

It seems we are busier than ever. The shopping lists are longer, the cooking and eating are never-ending, and the places we have to go each day are numerous. You’ve probably already found yourself sitting in traffic listening to horns beeping or been in a checkout line with someone behind you who seems to be in such a huge rush. These anxiety evoking moments can make one cringe or even cry.

Practicing a few moments of calm or quiet can help settle your mind, making for a more enjoyable holiday. Living well starts from the inside out. A strong mind and spirit pack major benefits when it comes to your physical health.

Three Tips for Blissful Holidays

1. Mindful Mornings

Spend a few moments each morning in meditation or prayer. Create a morning ritual for yourself to set the tone for the day. I opt for low playing music, coffee, a comfy robe, a list of prayer requests, and short breathing exercises.

meditation and prayer during the holidays

Practice the pause first thing in the morning before work, your family or daily responsibilities kick in. If needed, wake up just 10 minutes earlier to take this time for yourself.

2. Practice the Pause

This doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to happen when you need it. Next time you’re in a check out line or backed up at a traffic light, pull out those prayer requests and meditation mantras. Use this opportunity to be thankful for your family, be thankful for where you are going, give thanks for who you are going to meet, and be appreciative that you have the resources you need to celebrate the holidays. If you need a little reminder, stick a post-it note to your dashboard, computer screen, or fridge with a simple mantra on it.

meditation and prayer during the holidays

3. Peace

When you glance at it through the day, it will bring feelings of peace and you will actually be able to lower your blood pressure. 

4. End with Gratitude

When your day is wrapping, ask members of your family to tell you something positive they experienced that day. This can be done at the dinner table, in the car, or even during bedtime story reading. Consider making a jar of blessings to keep on your coffee table or kitchen counter. Encourage others to write them down and place in the jar. Read them as a family on New Year’s Eve. 

Ease Into the Holidays With Prayer and Meditation

You may not be able to outcheer every Grinch you come across. But you will find yourself in a more appreciative state, ready to calmly face the holiday hustle with ease.

Prayer and gratitude are known to reduce anxiety, making for lower levels of stress. A study at Harvard discovered that relaxation techniques like prayer, meditation, and even yoga can turn on powerful disease-fighting genes. How is that for a happy, healthy holiday! 

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