What Is Laser Tag? Tips and Tricks for an Epic Adventure

Play Laser Tag at Home

A game of laser tag just might be the most fun you’ll have all year. Learn the rules of this exciting adventure, and bring on the healthy competition!

The warm months of summer are the perfect time to get outside and get some physical activity! And, if your kids are feeling cooped up inside, you don’t have to make a trip to the beach to have some fun. Laser tag is the kind of sport that offers plenty of exciting action without any danger of injury! All you need is a laser gun and a few friends to make it happen. Be sure to share your laser tag party ideas on your favorite family app!

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What Is Laser Tag?

While we often associate laser tag with kids’ birthday parties or youth group activities today, it originally started as a form of combat training. In the 1970s and 1980s, the United States Army figured out a way to use infrared lasers to mimic combat, which led to the more commercial uses we see today.

You also don’t need any special safety equipment to play, and while it adds the fun element of light beams, you don’t have to worry about the pain of paintball!  If your kids love playing tag or even paintball, laser tag might be their ideal sport.

The Right Equipment

Instead of paintballs or even nerf guns like other games, all you need to play is a laser tag gun and some type of infrared sensor to read the laser beam.

In a laser tag arena, they’ll often wear a vest with lights and a sensor to see when someone’s tagged. Those who prefer a sleeker design might prefer a sensor like the Sun Band or Sun Band X, which you can wear on your head, and cost $125.

If you go to a laser tag facility, like LaserQuest they’ll provide rental equipment so you can play the game. Due to COVID-19 concerns, many of these warehouses are temporarily closed. Fortunately, with some basic equipment, you can play laser tag just about anywhere. You can find a full set of 4 laser guns and other equipment for about $60 online, but the better quality guns could be close to $1,000.

How to Play Laser Tag

laser tag game only requires a laser gun and sensor. So you won’t have to worry about having things like goggles or dodging paintballs. Along with a gun, each player gets a sensor that lights up when they’re hit. Most frequently, players will wear it in their vest, which might also have LED lights embedded within it. Each player will be able to take a certain amount of hits before they are eliminated. For the sake of good gamesmanship, players should stay five feet away from each other.  Stop playing if anyone’s hurt. Be sure to stay within the bounds of play and let other players know when you’re out!

Why Play Laser Tag?

There are plenty of reasons that laser tag at home can make for a great summer activity. Be sure to share why you love the game with others on your favorite family app!

  • It’s Safe – Games like football and paintballing can provide a high-intensity workout, but they can be pretty tough on your body. In contrast, getting hit with a laser is a pretty painless process.

  • You Can Play It Outside while Social Distancing– While indoor arenas probably offer plenty of room for social distancing, with equipment, you can easily get a group together for an outdoor game. If you want a fun twist on the classic game, play Capture the Flag with the lasers.

  • It’s Great Exercise – From squatting and running to chasing other opponents, there’s no way they won’t break a sweat!

  • It Involves Teamwork – Working with others towards a common goal will help kids learn about being team players. As each player learns to work with their team members to win, they’ll begin looking out for each other as a team.

Whether you’re playing in an arena or outdoor laser tag, it’s a great way to get out and get moving! You might even want to include some friendly competition for your next family game night or reunion. Have you played it, yet? Whatever your skillset or age, the whole family can enjoy this exciting, interactive sport!

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